A vibrant forum for Cybersecurity and Privacy of Energy Systems

Jun 4, 2024 @ Singapore

ACM EnergySP 24'

ACM SIGEnergy Workshop on Cybersecurity and Privacy of Energy Systems

Call for Papers

Cybersecurity and privacy are an important pillar of energy systems. Modernized energy systems, including smart grid, distributed/renewable energy resources, EV-charging infrastructure, smart homes, and smart buildings, have been facing a number of cybersecurity attacks. On the other hand, extensive data collection from such systems are calling for stronger privacy protection.

ACM SIGEnergy Workshop on Cybersecurity and Privacy of Energy Systems (EnergySP) aims to establish an open forum for novel research ideas to be exchanged and shared from the smart energy community in the context of cybersecurity and privacy. We aim to bring together diverse experts from the cybersecurity and privacy areas as well as from those from the energy sector to establish cross-disciplinary exchanges of knowledge and insights to tackle the critical challenges in securing our energy future and providing privacy assurance to energy applications.

We encourage researchers and experts in the field of cybersecurity energy systems to take the opportunity to use this workshop to share their work and open the discussion of new ideas on this evolving topic.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Cryptographical systems, secure key management, authentication, provenance, and access control for energy systems
  • Cybersecurity of distributed energy resources and IoT devices
  • Security analysis of energy management systems and grid controlling systems
  • Industry standardization of secure energy management and control protocols
  • Detection, prevention, and mitigation of cyber attacks and system anomalies in smart energy systems
  • Cloud/Edge security for smart energy systems
  • Machine/Deep learning and artificial intelligence approaches for security and privacy in smart energy systems
  • Threat intelligence collection and analysis for smart energy systems
  • Deception technologies for smart energy systems
  • Moving target defense for smart energy systems
  • Digital twins and testbeds for security and privacy risk assessment of smart energy systems
  • SCADA and legacy system security
  • Security by design and verification tools for smart energy systems
  • Cyber attack and defense case studies on smart energy systems
  • Human factors aspects in cybersecurity and privacy in smart energy systems
  • Privacy-preserving energy systems and applications
  • Privacy protection of energy data collection and sharing
  • Blockchain-based secure energy systems

Submission format:

We invite papers with 4-6 pages in 9-point ACM proceedings template with double-column format (i.e., excluding references) and unlimited number of pages for appendices and references. The submission is not anonymous.

Accepted papers will appear in ACM digital library.

Workshop Co-Chairs

Sid Chi-Kin Chau
Liang He
Daisuke Mashima
Illinois ARCS & NUS
Neetesh Saxena
Cardiff University
David Yau


  • Submission: 25 March, 2024 (AoE) - Extended
  • Notification: 26 April, 2024
  • Camera-ready: 3 May, 2024

Submission website:


Program (Jun 4, 2024)

All times are in Singapore Standard Time (SGT).


Keynote (9:30-10:05 SGT)

Advancing Cybersecurity in Utility Operations: Practical Challenges and Solutions

Yu Ming (Power Automation Pte Ltd)

Systems & Strategies (10:05-10:45 SGT)

EnergiPay: Off-chain Payment Channel for Blockchain-enabled Peer-to-peer Energy Trading

Sid Chi-Kin Chau, Nan Wang, Samuel Karumba (CSIRO Data61)

Two-step Blackout Mitigation by Flexibility-Enabled Microgrid Islanding

Philipp Danner, Anna Volkova, Hermann de Meer (University of Passau)

Tea break (10:45-11:15 SGT)

Cyberattacks (11:15-12:30 SGT)

Attacking Learning-based Models in Smart Grids: Current Challenges and New Frontiers

Gustavo Sánchez, Ghada Elbez, Veit Hagenmeyer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

T-IDS: A Thermal-Model-based Intrusion Detection System for Wind Turbines

Ngoc Que Anh Tran, Liang He (University of Colorado Denver)

Ultra-Low Latency User-Plane Cyberattack Detection in SDN-based Smart Grids

Aristide Tanyi-Jong Akem (IMDEA Networks Institute and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid); Michele Gucciardo, Marco Fiore (IMDEA Networks Institute)

Systematic Study of Cybersecurity Threats for Smart Inverters

Samuel Karumba, Sid Chi-Kin Chau (CSIRO Data61); Hammond Pearce (University of New South Wales); Mohi Ahmed, Helge Janicke (Edith Cowan University)

Lunch break (12:30-2:00 SGT)


Privacy (2:00-3:15 SGT)

Privacy-Preserving Control of Partitioned Energy Resources

Evan Laufer (Stanford University); Philip Levis (Stanford University and Google); Ram Rajagopal (Stanford University)

Appliance Ownership Prediction With Smart Meter Data

Anmol Saraf, Anupama Kowli (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Privacy Protection in Collaborative Geographically Distributed Co-Simulation of Multimodal Energy Systems

Alexander Kocher, Jovana Kovačević, Anne-Christin Süß (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology); Can Berk Saner (National University of Singapore); Burak Dindar (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology); Md Amimul Ehsan (University of North Carolina at Charlotte); Hüseyin K. Çakmak, Veit Hagenmeyer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Can Private LLM Agents Synthesize Household Energy Consumption Data?

Mahathir Almashor, Yusuke Miyashita, Sam West, Thi Van Dai Dong (CSIRO Energy)

Tea break (3:15-3:45 SGT)

Tools & Platforms (3:45-4:20 SGT)

A Convergence Predictor Model for Consensus-based Decentralised Energy Markets

Parikshit Pareek (Los Alamos National Laboratory); L. P. Mohasha Isuru Sampath (IHPC, A*STAR); Hung D. Nguyen, Eddy Y. S. Foo (Nanyang Technological University)

Substation Simulation Synchronization - Towards a Distributed and Scaled Power Grid Cyber Range

Jit Biswas, Revati Godse, Binbin Chen (Singapore University of Technology and Design); Muhammad M. Roomi, Bennet Ng (Illinois Advanced Research Center at Singapore)

Panel Discussion (4:20-5:00 SGT)

How to Make a Bigger Impact in Cybersecurity with Energy Regulators and Industry?

Moderator: Sid Chau, Panellists: Zbigniew Kalbarczyk (UIUC), Dan Wang (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Veit Hagenmeyer (KIT), David Yau (SUTD)

Program Committee

  • Binbin Chen - Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • Biplab Sikdar - National University of Singapore
  • Charalambos Konstantinou - KAUST
  • Chaudhry Mujeeb Ahmed - Newcastle University
  • Daisuke Mashima - Illinois Advanced Research Center at Singapore
  • David K.Y. Yau - Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • Jan Tobias Mühlberg  - Université libre de Bruxelles
  • Ghada Elbez - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  • Hammond Pearce - University of New South Wales
  • Liang He - University of Colorado Denver
  • Mohi Ahmed - Edith Cowan University
  • Neetesh Saxena - Cardiff University
  • Peng Cheng - Zhejiang University
  • Ryan Ko - University of Queensland
  • S. M. Suhail Hussain - King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
  • Samuel Karumba - CSIRO Data61
  • Sid Chi-Kin Chau - CSIRO
  • Sridhar Adepu - University of Bristol
  • Subbu Sethuvenkatraman - CSIRO
  • Xin Lou - Singapore Institute of Technology
  • Zbigniew Kalbarczyk - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Zhao Yang Dong - City University of Hong Kong

Jun 4, 2024 @ Singapore

This workshop will be co-located with ACM eEnergy 24' at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel.

